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Topic: bandwidth minimum guaranteed  (Read 5895 times)
« on: August 19, 2009, 09:05:36 »
abalzi *
Posts: 3


I'm new user in this forum.  Smiley

I've recently installed a m0n0wall v1.3b18 on a WRAP.1E.

I've defined 2 VLANs on the LAN interface.

Now I'm trying to define, on the my firewall, the bandwidth minimum guaranteed for each VLAN when goes on Internet.
I read the manual and documentation about Alpha Traffic Shaping, but I did not find or understand how I can define it.

Do you have any suggestions?  Embarrassed


Andrea Balzi
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2009, 06:20:31 »
dreamslacker *
Posts: 11

Define an upload and a download queue and enable masking on the queues (source for upload, destination for download queue).

Then use 4 catchall rules to feed these pipes.  If you have specific prioritization for any protocols then you need separate rules each for upload/ download for each vlan.


vlan 10 catchall upload -> source vlan10 subnet, port any; dest. any, port any
vlan 20 catchall upload -> source vlan20 subnet, port any; dest. any, port any

vlan 10 catchall download -> source any, port any; dest. vlan10 subnet, port any
vlan 20 catchall download -> source any, port any; dest. vlan20 subnet, port any

There isn't a minimum bandwidth guarantee per-se but connections on either vlan will share the available bandwidth equally.
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2009, 05:03:33 »
knightmb ****
Posts: 341

Define two pipes with each being half of the available bandwidth, that will give you a guaranteed bandwidth for each. If you want to let the TCP/IP fight it out, define two pipes of the same available bandwidth so that one pipe can hit the maximum but the other will still be able to chew into half of it's bandwidth when it needs to. Provided this isn't for anything time sensitive (like streaming Video or VoIP), should work for everything else.

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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 13:37:55 »
abalzi *
Posts: 3

Thanks for the tips, I'll try soon.

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