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Pages: [1]
Topic: Upgrade form 1.3b16 to 1.3b18 failed  (Read 1793 times)
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:43:13 »
specs *
Posts: 2

My setup is simple:
I have a Soekris net4501 with LAN, WAN and DMZ.
My server resides in the DMZ.
DMZ and LAN are bridged (with filtering).

When upgrading from 1.3b16 to 1.3b18 the DNS did not resolve anymore.
Even when NAT and RULES were configured there was no reply from forwarders from the internet.
Only way to get it to work was using M0n0wall as forwarder. Well that works...

Then one service that did fail because of the DNS still failed.
The same service worked fine from the internal network.
NAT has been configured correctly for this service for ages for older images.

Seems the DMZ is well protected...

For now exit 1.3b18.
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