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Topic: IPSec VPN + SIP Phones  (Read 3069 times)
« on: April 18, 2007, 19:27:21 »
herrstarr *
Posts: 8

I've set up an IPSec connection between our main and branch office, which is working really great (and usually both ways).

On the main Site we have a IAX/ISDN/SIP Asterisk PBX.
Now I want to connect the phones in the branch office via the new super-cool IPSec tunnel  to our PBX.

Now the problem: Voice doesn't "arrive" at the main site. When I pick up the phone I can hear everything perfectly but I'm not heard at all. Is there some protocoll involved that's not routed?? My settings are fairly defaultish

Any ideas??

thanks hs

fyi a schematics of the setup:
Site 1: Domain: my.domain
           monowall v.1.231: IP
           specified authoritative DNS for other.domain
           static route:  LAN, Net,  Gateway
           PBX: (connected to the outside via IAX using SIP internally)

Site 2: Domain: other.domain
           monowall v.1.231:  IP
           specified auth. DNS for my.domain
           static route:  LAN, Net, Gateway
           SIP phones "can't send sound)
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 10:50:37 »
Trikinov *
Posts: 1

Make sure you have a firewallrule to allow UDP trafic, VOIP uses UDP to send sound, and TCP for signaling.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 11:22:34 »
herrstarr *
Posts: 8

via IPSec tunnel??

I don't think that's the problem IAX is working fine (via Softphone) and it's using UDP as well. Even spookier !!!

« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2007, 23:56:45 »
brmasha *
Posts: 2

What do you have in your sip.conf?  Make sure the IP range of your remote site falls within the localnet.  When I first setup the phone over the VPN I had to modify the sip.conf or sip_nat.conf in trixbox to say:


This now includes my sites across the VPN tunnels.
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