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Topic: Mounting remote nfs over ipsec in 1.3b18  (Read 2446 times)
« on: September 26, 2009, 00:27:09 »
bazzapage *
Posts: 5

I have a very stable ipsec tunnel in 1.3b16 - I do backups over the tunnel by doing a nfs3 mount then an rsync. After upgrade the mount -- no matter how I did it (ie cron, command line etc) was failing under beta 18. I restored back to b16 and all is well again.
Sorry but i can't be much more helpful in diagnosis.

M0n0 running as a VM, communicating with a Linksys RV042 on the remote end. There is an ipsec tunnel initiated by m0n0, nat'ed through a Netgear ADSL router. The remote end is nat'ed through a Checkpoint Firewall-1.
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2009, 00:11:59 »
bazzapage *
Posts: 5

Not that I have rolled back to b16 from b18, some other things that seemed to be broken are working again, including the VMware Vsphere client which was timing out.
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