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Topic: Maximum User limit for Captive Portal.  (Read 3823 times)
« on: October 05, 2009, 17:43:01 »
drbeep *
Posts: 7

Hello all,
I have Monowall 1.233 (i think) running on Alix. I have had an issue with the subnet running out of IP addresses with a /24. This is installed in a hotel surrounded by other hotels that guests are associating to the wifi.

I changed the local subnet to /23 but after a few hours the monowall locks up. No ip address served or traffic flowing. If I disable the captive portal, the unit begins to operate normally without fail.

I'm wondering if there is a limit or is this an issue?

Thanks for you help.

« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 00:41:55 »
drbeep *
Posts: 7

Well, a week has gone by with no response Sad.
My next idea is add an additional monowall on alix as a backup. Put both units on the same subnet but different ip addresses. In case one goes, the other is there to serve ip and route. Also, I will add a timer on the electrical outlet to reset at 2am.

I know the guest will experience a problem if they receive an ip that is not on the same box because the captive portal will not have authenticated them. I guess they will have to authenticate again.

Let me know if anyone has experience with setting up 2 units to serve the same network.
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2009, 02:39:32 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

I run m0n0 in hotels as well.  One problem with that many users is that you will hit the state limit.  With so many people using p2p, you can bang into it with only 100 users.  Also, the DHCP tables take memory, so you could be hitting a wall there as well.  I would recommend several boxes with geographic separation.

And to answer you question, there is no hard limit, but when the memory is full, it is full.
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2009, 20:07:09 »
knightmb ****
Posts: 341

I run m0n0 in hotels as well.  One problem with that many users is that you will hit the state limit.  With so many people using p2p, you can bang into it with only 100 users.  Also, the DHCP tables take memory, so you could be hitting a wall there as well.  I would recommend several boxes with geographic separation.

And to answer you question, there is no hard limit, but when the memory is full, it is full.
Thanks for the info, I did have a technical question directed at Lee (not trying to hijack this topic), but does the RAM disk expand with the RAM the system has? I know you need at least 64MB of RAM for 1.2X release.

Does it benefit DHCP to have 512MB of RAM or more for more leases or is the RAM disk set at a hard limit regardless of the available RAM?

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