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Topic: Monowall 1.3b18 Hangs Up when surfing web/downloading files  (Read 3027 times)
« on: October 08, 2009, 20:30:02 »
TheMole *
Posts: 4

I am currently using MW v1.3b18 and have noticed a degradation in my netowkr speeds. Webpages take a while to load and also whenever I try to download files, even ones that are a few MBs, the download process freezes up.

Has anyone experienced this issue? I am going to do some testing this weekend because I suspect that it may be hardware-related. I will port my MW install to another PC and see how things go.
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2009, 10:24:21 »
knightmb ****
Posts: 341

I am currently using MW v1.3b18 and have noticed a degradation in my netowkr speeds. Webpages take a while to load and also whenever I try to download files, even ones that are a few MBs, the download process freezes up.

Has anyone experienced this issue? I am going to do some testing this weekend because I suspect that it may be hardware-related. I will port my MW install to another PC and see how things go.
That would be my first guess is a hardware lockup. If you can, monitor the CPU usage while doing this downloads. If you see some CPU constant 100% usage, it's a good indicator of some system problems (hardware not responding properly, etc).

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« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 17:54:46 »
TheMole *
Posts: 4

It looks like it was a bad WAN NIC card. After replacing it, all is working great again.
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