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Topic: m0n0* (Asterisk VoIP PBX)  (Read 4422 times)
« on: March 18, 2007, 07:34:39 »
kev009 *
Posts: 2

So we have NAS, light weight firewall, and enterprise firewall m0n0 style systems.  What I would really like to see is a m0n0 style Asterisk box.  The requirements should be light: Pentium MMX+ (Asterisk needs MMX), 128MB RAM, and whatever size CF it takes.  Of course, an easy to use and powerful web based config is mandatory.  Any interest in a project like this?

I might also add the Asterisk embedded market is really pretty weak, so a product like this could easily become very popular.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2007, 17:54:10 »
lonnie *
Posts: 24


AstLinux is everything you are asking for, minus the "powerful web based config".

I use AstLinux on a Soekris net4801.  AstLinux has httpd and php standard, so your web config wishes are possible.

An excellent asterisk solution for the embedded market... of course sitting behind another net4801 running m0n0wall.

« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2007, 21:52:16 »
kev009 *
Posts: 2

I tried AstLinux, and it seemed hastily constructed.  The web interface terrible, it requires a separate storage drive for the config (and that script blows up when running), and the packages are not current.  The elegance and professionalism of the m0n0 builds are much more attractive to me than the hack that AstLinux is.  Hence the point in my original post, the Asterisk embedded market is very weak right now.

FWIW I'm building my own Gentoo uClibc based CF image for i586 right now.  We'll see how that goes.


AstLinux is everything you are asking for, minus the "powerful web based config".

I use AstLinux on a Soekris net4801.  AstLinux has httpd and php standard, so your web config wishes are possible.

An excellent asterisk solution for the embedded market... of course sitting behind another net4801 running m0n0wall.


« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2007, 23:36:22 »
lonnie *
Posts: 24

I tried AstLinux, and it seemed hastily constructed.  The web interface terrible, it requires a separate storage drive for the config (and that script blows up when running), and the packages are not current.
We will have to agree to disagree, AstLinux is quite polished under the hood, and crafted almost daily for the last few years.  The latest 0.4.5-RC2 includes the latest 1.2.16 asterisk and other packages.  AstLinux works great for me.

We agree that there is basically no web interface, and the update method needs work (which is high on Kristian's list of features).  The learning curve is higher than it could be.

Back to m0n0wall questions...

« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2007, 17:25:32 »
michael.iedema *
Posts: 3

Today I finished up the first beta of just such a project.

I'm looking for testers so take a look if you have a chance Smiley

--Michael I.
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 05:37:11 »
docunext *
Posts: 42

I'm using AskoziaPBX in production at my office on a t5135 HP thin client. I love it, only uses 11 watts of power and does everything I need it to, minus having all the incoming calls ring at the same time.  Smiley

Docunext Tech Stuff
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