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Topic: 1.3b18 DHCPv4 not assigning IP's with Deny unknown clients option  (Read 3266 times)
« on: November 06, 2009, 02:00:14 »
Chris1 *
Posts: 3

Hi Guys,

I facing a trouble after upgrading from 1.3b16 to 1.3b18 on my Alix board.
My DHCPv4 server on interface vr1 is no longer offering IP's to my clients with listed MAC's and option Deny unknown clients selected.
It was working perfectly on 1.3b16 I didn't change the config, so I tried to remove the Deny unknown clients and it works.
I also tried to re-enter the host list and MAC's but same result.
Any ideas why is this happening ?

« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2009, 02:02:14 »
Chris1 *
Posts: 3

Sorry actually I was upgrading from 1.3b15 to 1.3b18
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2009, 18:35:35 »
Manuel Kasper
Posts: 364

Do you have IP addresses in the static mappings for your known clients? If not, then this may explain why the "deny unknown clients" option didn't work for you. Turns out that static mappings are only effective if an IP address is specified; otherwise (if only a MAC address is given) they are ignored. I'm not sure why the DHCP server page even allows static mappings without an IP address, so this possibility will probably simply by removed in the next version (i.e. IP addresses must always be entered).
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2009, 13:49:09 »
Chris1 *
Posts: 3

Yes you are right no IP's are specified.
The idea behind this is to serve DHCP IP's from the pool only if the MAC client has been entered by the admin, sort of security thing ;-)
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