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Topic: traffic shaper, on opti 1  (Read 4239 times)
« on: November 28, 2009, 03:24:43 »

i have two wireless access points on my monowall system, one on the normal lan nic, and the other connected opti 1,

i want to limit the bandwidt that opti 1 can use  because i allow people to connect to my internet via opti 1, and i dont want them hogging all the bandidth, and then with that being said i want opti one to be balanced as in if there are 15 people connected to opti 1 i want it spread equally...can anyone help me do this pls
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2009, 18:14:27 »
doctora *
Posts: 7

Creat a new pipe with the bandwidth you want them to have.   Then create a rule that sends all opt1 traffic to that pipe.  Watch the voip screencast and pretend that the voip is your opt1.  I believe that monowall takes care of the balancing for you.
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 02:55:37 »

i want to make sure that that opti1 clients dont hog all the bandwidth, i need to make sure it is set to use only 50% percent of the line so that way i still have some bandwidth used for my servers

my download spees is about 3Mbits
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