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Topic: Bug on firewall rules. Very Important!  (Read 2968 times)
« on: November 28, 2009, 15:15:04 »
jesusnet *
Posts: 3

I've set a rule on WAN interface, that open all packets, on all IP, on all protocols.

as you can see on my screenshot RULEOPEN1.JPG and RULEOPEN2.JPG

Then I've set the function "Log packets blocked by the default rule"

As you can see on my screenshot file DEFAULTRULE.JPG

So I'would not to see anything in my firewall logs.

But it's not really.

There are any ip that are blocked! And I don't know why.

You can see my screenshot file FIREWALL_LOGS.JPG

Is it a bug? Am I loosing any connection from external ip?

Please help me

* RULEOPEN1.JPG (71.59 KB, 717x545 - viewed 435 times.)

* RULEOPEN2.JPG (49.86 KB, 615x467 - viewed 400 times.)

* FIREWALL_LOGS.jpg (69.73 KB, 615x467 - viewed 412 times.)
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2009, 18:23:37 »
Manuel Kasper
Posts: 364

Probably a case of:
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