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Topic: IPv6 firewall - possible bug?  (Read 2954 times)
« on: January 30, 2010, 13:53:49 »
CarnX *
Posts: 3


I have configured a monowall box (WRAP) with an IPv6 AICCU tunnel to SiXXS.

Outgoing traffic is working fine, but incoming firewall-rules does not seem to be applied.
In the GUI you set rules from WAN->LAN, but in the logs you can see the packets are dropped on interface "tun0" ?

Is it a bug?

I have tried firewall rules like ACCEPT EVERYTHING FROM WAN - but packets get dropped anyway.

« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2010, 15:43:54 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

1.3 doesn't support ayiya tunnels. - added support since the release, you'll have to build an image or wait for the next release though.  Or change you tunnel type which does cost credits
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 15:45:10 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

That should say, I added support.
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2010, 17:38:53 »
CarnX *
Posts: 3

I didn't find any howto on building my own image - I'm not too familiar with FreeBSD - but I know linux quite well. Do I have to use an FreeBSD-box for building an image?

« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 18:12:44 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

I don't see why you can't do this in linux, it's just probably easier in freebsd.

You can take the 1.3 image, open it, and replace the files with the patched ones, then close it

There is a bash script that shows the steps in freebsd to do this

it pauses with a prompt in the filesystem of the image, you can copy the newer files from svn in then exit the prompt and it rebuilds the image.

I have made a new image with all the current fixes including ayiya support and 1 or 2 experimental features here, it also contains sshd and tcpdump, so might not be to your liking.

generic-pc is tested, but embedded isn't. Feedback welcome
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 18:14:47 by brushedmoss »
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 20:17:33 »
CarnX *
Posts: 3

Thanks - it worked like a charm om my WRAP-box Smiley
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