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Topic: Is m0n0wall for me?  (Read 2732 times)
« on: January 30, 2010, 22:18:33 »
cabsandy *
Posts: 1

Hi guys,
I'll get to the point-I've wandered in here off the DD-WRT boards.The reason is I'm in the market for a captive portal and some of the mods have suggested I try m0n0wall. I have a community wireless network in the offing, with DD-WRT routers currently in a mesh network. I thought it was time to get some sort of control, hence the post.
What I'm looking for is basic username/password authentication (possibly with self-registration) with some sort of TOS page and the ability to view the AP's from  remote/web page-that is, not having to be at the portal machine to see who is doing what. I also dont like handing off my AAA function to a 3rd party-I'd rather pay for a standalone system and run it myself, than pay £10 a month to someone else 3000 miles away
To name a few here's what I've done so far:

CoovaAP on WRT54G-works well but the accounting and reporting isn't that great, plus no remote login facility.The support on the forums is pretty patchy as well
Sputnick through the DD-WRT interface-not bad, as its free, but very limited in what you can do with the splash page and basic logging
Hotspotengine-new in the market, standalone, not a bad price but more suited to the paid idea in a cafe/library.Logging is good but no remote/web view.If it had that, I would probably go for that
Zone CD-was good a few years ago but the dev seems to have tailed off and the forums have shut down.Not sure what the roadmap is
Zeroshell-seems a bit OTT for what I need
wifidog-I'm not a linux guru-I did try but found it very complicated

Hopefully someone can give me a steer here.I've got the iso so I'm going to try it anyway but thought I would ask others what they think. BTW, can m0n0wall run as a Live CD?


« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 22:20:15 by cabsandy »
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2010, 19:34:31 »
ngwasuma *
Posts: 17

Best way to use monowall is to burn its image to disk.

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