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Topic: Best/lowest latency type of VPN for Sprint CDMA Wireless Broadband card?  (Read 3212 times)
« on: April 25, 2007, 18:17:37 »
airzonk *
Posts: 8

Hi All:

I think this is latency due to being wireless, but our primary application is telnet which I have secured for mobile salespersons with PPTP.

The only problem is the latency; they are using Sprint Wireless Broadband cards (CDMA 3G R0) and the latency is a bit of a problem.

Would RoadWarrior IPSEC be a bit faster?  What about OpenVPN (not in m0n0)?  What is the most latency efficient type of VPN, or am I stuck due to the latency inherent in wireless broadband...

It's not unbearable or anything; just a bit of a disappointment (with the inherent latency, not m0n0)...

It depends on location and signal strength; of course, but I get anywhere from 200ms to 2000ms average ping times. :/  On a "wired" connection PPTP is more reasonable (80-200ms-ish)

And our IPSEC tunnel best of all (32ms)

Also RoadWarrior IPSEC is not trivial to do with Windows without a third party ($$) client...

« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 19:11:54 by airzonk »
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 00:40:59 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

It won't matter what VPN you use, none of them are going to lower the latency on your CDMA connection. Telnet at that latency is going to be painful, and there's no magic solution to fix it.

I have Verizon EVDO, if you're in an area with high speed coverage the latency is ~150 ms, which isn't bad at all. I use VPN (Cisco IPsec) over it and RDP over that and it's very responsive.

The only thing that's going to fix the slowness of CDMA is to use something better. There won't be a noticeable speed difference between different types of VPN's.
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