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Topic: skype  (Read 3598 times)
« on: April 25, 2007, 20:32:36 »
grief *
Posts: 3

i want to set higher priority for skype communication. i dont know how to identify packets sent by skype, because it is not always using the same udp port. is it possible to create pipe and rules only for skype? can u help me?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 01:06:10 »
clarknova ***
Posts: 148

I did some packet sniffing on Skype about a year ago and settled on making a queue for ip packets with destination port 23456. It seems that was the port it was using by default, without me changing any setting in Skype (on linux) and it worked for me.
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2007, 11:58:26 »
grief *
Posts: 3

yes... old version was using port 23456, but version 3.0 is using port 25608 and maybe next version will be using another port.
if i set higher priority for this port, some p2p clients can use this port. i want to create rule only for skype.
i would like to use IP ToS or IP packet length for this rule if it is possible. But i dont know these values.
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2007, 21:41:47 »
clarknova ***
Posts: 148

From what I've read ToS has been abused by a host of applications, particularly p2p, so I think you would get a lot of non-skype traffic going through your skype queue. I would  be more inclined to see what servers skype is connecting to, or as you wrote, packet length. Unfortunately I don't know these values.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2007, 21:21:53 »
havoc3d *
Posts: 10

i just had a look at the packets skype is sending out and receiving, and it's pretty nasty, other than the initial negotiation, it looks like it's connecting right to the person you're talking to, so shaping by dest is out, the ports it's using are all over the place, even after the initial negotiation....packet length might work, i didn't look that far into it.

Bottom line looks like skype is nie impossible to do much with...
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