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Topic: Howto google and youtube via ipv6  (Read 3036 times)
« on: March 20, 2010, 01:02:36 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

For those of you that use SiXXS tunnels for ipv6 connectivity, you may be interested to know that if you use their DNS servers, then queries for youtube and google will resolve to ipv6 addresses.  Google have to approve source DNS queries into a whitelist for this to work, and Sixxs is included in the whitelist ,

the details on their DNS servers are  and are only usable for Sixxs users.

You can enter their IP in your DNS settings as the first resolver, and enable strict order.

you can watch your ipv6 traffic with the traffic graph by using this url



/graph.php?ifnum=tun0&ifname=SiXXs  for ayiya tunnels

If your a firefox Fan, this add in will show what ip your are connecting to for each site, and should show ipv6 addrs for google sites once you are set
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