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Topic: Mapping TOS to DSCP values  (Read 4739 times)
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:03:33 »
michaesc *
Posts: 5

Hello forum,

I'm using M0n0wall 1.31 on PC Engines hardware.

Referring to the page '/firewall_shaper_edit.php', there are several choices for 'IP Type of Service':

  • lowdelay
  • throughput
  • reliability
  • mincost
  • congestion

It seems that recent RFCs [1] have outdated the classical TOS semantics used by the most recent M0n0wall release. I'm trying to match DSCP class selector 5 (CS5) and am confused about the mapping to the older TOS bits. A document [2] on such mapping helps a little.

According to my own mapping effort, it seems that none of the first three TOS choices above correspond to any bits of CS5. The last two, mincost and congestion, are questionable.

Which of any of the above TOS values should I set to 'yes' on the traffic shaper pages if I want to filter only CS5 packets?


P.S.: The icon for this question is sad, because it would seem that the most recent M0n0wall release would integrate the most recent QoS/TOS developments. In other words, paying attention to the RFCs (DSCP) right?

« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2010, 10:44:10 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

lowdelay     tos=0x10
throughput tos=0x08
reliability     tos=0x04   
mincost       tos=0x02
congestion  tos=0x01
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