Hi all,
I'm new to the forum (and to m0n0wall)...
I'm trying to use m0n0 v1.231 on an oldish HP PC; my problem is that when the PC tries to boot from the CF where I've written m0n0, it says "Operating system not found".
The PC is an old HP Brio, Celeron 400 with 128 MB of RAM, BIOS timestamp 1998; considering that the PC itself works fine, it usually runs Smoothwall (Linux-based firewall distro) from hard disk, I assumed the problem to be related with the compactflash adapter or medium.
The BIOS of the PC allows me to boot from floppy, HD or CD-ROM; all of those options have been tested in the past, and found working.
I've tried with many different CF's, ranging in size from 16 MB to 128 MB; when I boot with a CF as the primary IDE drive, the BIOS properly recognise the CF size, so I think the IDE-CF adapter is definitely working.
I've tried writing the m0n0 CF image from Linux and Windows, but still the resulting CF's aren't recognised as good for booting by the firewall PC.
I'm left wondering what can be causing the problem... Any suggestions?
thanks in advance for any hints.