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Topic: WAN Interface Address NAT generates buggy ipnat rule.  (Read 3797 times)
« on: May 04, 2010, 23:37:25 »
remmy *
Posts: 3

Version 1.32

Wan address: W.W.W.W/30 (public IP)
DMZ address: D.D.D.D/29 (public IPs)
LAN address: L.L.L.L/24 (private IPs)

When I create an inbound nat rule using the WAN Interface Address to a LAN subnet server, m0n0wall generates an ipnat rule like the following:

rdr rl0 port 80 -> L.L.L.X port 80 tcp

This is a bug.  It causes the router to nat all requests even for ip addresses that are not the WAN Interface Address (DMZ ips!).  It should be creating a rule like so:

rdr rl0 W.W.W.W/32 port 80 -> L.L.L.X port 80 tcp

my workaround is to never use the WAN interface address for NAT when you have public IPs on the DMZ.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 01:36:01 by remmy »
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 20:50:26 »
knightmb ****
Posts: 341

Version 1.32

Wan address: W.W.W.W/30 (public IP)
DMZ address: D.D.D.D/29 (public IPs)
LAN address: L.L.L.L/24 (private IPs)

When I create an inbound nat rule using the WAN Interface Address to a LAN subnet server, m0n0wall generates an ipnat rule like the following:

rdr rl0 port 80 -> L.L.L.X port 80 tcp

This is a bug.  It causes the router to nat all requests even for ip addresses that are not the WAN Interface Address (DMZ ips!).  It should be creating a rule like so:

rdr rl0 W.W.W.W/32 port 80 -> L.L.L.X port 80 tcp

my workaround is to never use the WAN interface address for NAT when you have public IPs on the DMZ.

I always wondered if that was a bug or not. But yeah, I've seen that for years. Thought maybe that's just how m0n0wall works, but perhaps it is a bug in the sense that it seems logical that only the NAT rule would apply to the single IP you set it for rather than all of them.

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