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Topic: bandwidth shapeing with free radius  (Read 9349 times)
« on: July 13, 2010, 22:31:59 »
b00n07 *
Posts: 7

Hey guys,
I used searching function before, but couldn't find something, what helps me.
just trying to manage bandwidth shapeing, with monowall and freeradius. radius authenticates users and i like to give each user an other bandwidth.

For freeradius i m using the normal users file, no mysql database.

I have this attributes in there:

test Cleartext-Password: ="****"
       WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down := 256000
       WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Up := 32000

How do i have to configure the monowall, that it works ? Because at the moment i dont notice a changeing in bandwidth....

PS: sorry for bad englisch

greetings from germany
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2010, 21:28:36 »
momothefox *
Posts: 49

I was wondering about this too, but i guess it is not that way.
you should use DHCP server in m0n0wall to assign IP address to the client which is limited by traffic shaper.
i tried freeradius and gave me the same result. then i figured out radius is for authentication only. 
this could be achieved by accounting. - in radius+ captive portal - that checks for the amount of data being transferred every minute
IN Captive Portal page
 Re authenticate connected users every minute
If reauthentication is enabled, Access-Requests will be sent to the RADIUS server for each user that is logged in every minute. If an Access-Reject is received for a user, that user is disconnected from the captive portal immediately.
and in that case you can use a limit of transferred  data over period of time.

Mohammed Ismail
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2010, 12:10:14 »
b00n07 *
Posts: 7

I am realy thankfull !

I m already not sure how it works exactly but its a new idea.

But if i manage it with this reauthentication every minute in captive portal, how i have to configure the radius server ? some special attributes, or is it all done by captive portal ? And can i set diffrent datatransfer rate in a time periode for each user ?

Do I have to enable the traffic shaper of the monowall ?

It would be great if you can explain it a little bit more exactly to me.  Cool Grin

Can contact me here too:

« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2010, 20:28:42 »
momothefox *
Posts: 49

i wish i could help you in attributes, but i only managed to install freebsd, freerafdius, with mysql using daloradius as a web interface for radius managment. i did not read much after that in radius documentation. and did not use the radius any more. as the project i was aiming to did not succeed.
if you read a little in documentation and used accounting option in CP + RADIUS
and used m0n0wall DHCP + Traffic Shaper to cap max speed.
i wish i could help in details but if i am not sure of something i cannot mislead you.
i think my help will be an advice to use daloradius for management this will provide some help.
best regards

Mohammed Ismail
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2011, 22:43:49 »
drrm67 *
Posts: 1

Tariscope user can get traffic intensity of trunks and subscriber lines as of all traffic passing through the PBX and in its separate components. Using of Web interface allows subscribers to receive actual information about their calls ... Radius Manager Icon Radius Manager - Billing solution for Mikrotik, Cisco, StarOS and ChilliSpot systems. It supports traffic limitation, bandwidth shaping, uptime limitation, date expiration, prepaid, postpaid accounts, ...
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