C:\Temp>tftp -v xx.254.99.xx get test.txt
WinAgents TFTP Client version 1.4 Copyright (c)2004-2007 by Tandem Systems,Ltd.
http://www.winagents.com - Software for network administrators
Transfering file test.txt from server in ascii mode...
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Packet will be sent. len=51, opcode=1
Error occurred during the file transfer (Error code = 0):
Timeout expired. Retries expired.