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Topic: m0n0wall crashs on WRAP  (Read 2133 times)
« on: May 03, 2007, 21:58:24 »
mincer *
Posts: 3


I'm using m0n0wall on a PC-Engines WRAP-Board for more than 2 Years. Normally it works fine, but there are some crashes sometimes every 2 weeks. I got also some friends which have the same problem. We are all using p2p-software such as mldonkey or azureus, so there is much traffic on it.

Is there a known bug?
Has anyone an idea how to fix this problem?


« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 01:50:21 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

Some networks seem to be able to reliably replicate hard freezes with 1.2x versions, usually with P2P traffic, but most of us cannot replicate such problems.

1.3 beta versions don't have the issue.
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 07:22:07 »
thuety *
Posts: 34

I had the crashes too, but I can't remember having to reset ever since I enabled hardware watchdog: "System: Advanced setup - Enable hardware watchdog: If the hardware watchdog is enabled, it will reset the CPU after a few seconds if the system software has stopped responding." Wink
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