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Topic: Shaping a filtered bridge - m0n0 1.32  (Read 4413 times)
« on: October 28, 2010, 19:56:44 »
Harvest Coyote *
Posts: 2

I've been kind of pulling my hair out trying to get traffic shaping to work on a filtered bridge but have been having no luck.  Has anyone been able to figure this out, or know if it's even possible with the current build of m0n0wall (1.32)?

If I set a rule to shape traffic from one of the bridge member interfaces, connectivity is lost to/from the systems that match the rule.  If I try to set a rule on the bridge interface itself, it's as if there is no shaping.  Am I missing something completely, or is shaping just not working with if_bridge?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 16:15:57 »
woutermense *
Posts: 3

I've been trying the same thing. Only been successfull for outgoing traffic so far. I have three interfaces on my m0n0wall setup, WAN, LAN and OPT1. WAN is bridged to OPT1.

I made a screenshot of my settings so far. If I enable the shaping for incoming traffic, connectivity is lost like in your case.

I think I remember reading somewhere that the rules can only match for incoming traffic when interfaces are bridged so thats why its setup this way now. Only half working though.

Something else I cant get to work: mask pipes by source or destination. No extra pipes seem to be created and all traffic flows through one pipe only.

-edit-  see also

* Capture.PNG (62.95 KB, 591x781 - viewed 350 times.)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 16:33:28 by woutermense »
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