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Topic: Set DNS for MAC DHCP entries?  (Read 2496 times)
« on: November 09, 2010, 00:23:36 »
joeinbend *
Posts: 1

I have a couple desktops that I assign IP addresses "statically" with M0n0 by their MAC address. Is it possible to assign the DNS settings as well?

the reason is, on my sons' computer, I have DNS entries set up statically so I can do content filtering,  to keep him out of trouble when online. Although I am able to keep it pretty well locked down, I would rather be sure that there's no way M0n0 will ever assign him an IP/DNS/WINS settings that would let him have free reign. I know that I can set those other DNS entries in M0n0, but then it will assign those to all clients, not just the one.

Other than adding another NIC and creating a whole separate interface so I could have another DHCP stack, can this be done?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2011, 18:29:07 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

The easiest way is to statically assign it in his system.  Then set up a firewall rule allowning access by his IP to that DNS, and another on blocking all other DNS.
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