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Topic: Migrate from PC to OPN  (Read 1160 times)
« on: November 18, 2010, 14:17:56 »
sysadmbonn *
Posts: 1

Hello all,

I'm running my m0n0 now for over a year very succesfull on a PC with a flshcard.

Since I want to migrate to a more 24/7 standard hardware I've orderd a rack box from OPN ready configured with extended warrenty an all that jazz (Thanks to the link on the mainpage here).

The box has arrived today and it is looking very good crafted! Looks like well spend money ...

Now, for the migration. Am I right from what i've read here in the forum that I can migrate my current config with all settings and active vouchers roll from the PC image to the OPN box? And I just need to rename the names of the interfaces in the config file by hand?

Since this is a running system in a professional surrounding I dont want to kill all my vouchers and user logons that have been spread all over the country!

Thanks for any advices

Cheers, Anselm
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