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Topic: IPSec VPN / MonoWall behind Router / VMWare Appliance  (Read 5842 times)
« on: November 19, 2010, 12:57:35 »
MyKey0815 *
Posts: 1


I new here and want a help from you.

I will use monowall only as IPSec-Gateway. All other functions like Firewall, Router will be serve by my Speedport 701 Router. My LAN ist following

INET -- [ROUTER -] - [MONOWALL -] - 192.168.2.x

Routers Firewall forward ESP and 500/4500 UDP to

I have download the VMWare-App (Version 1.32) and start up - configure the LAN IP to "" - reboot MonoWall - Go to FIREWALL - RULES add WAN-Rules (500/4500 UDP and ESP) - Go to VPN IPSec - Mobile Clients - Configure Client

When I connect from outside per VPNClient to my LAN, then the MonoWall-Firewall block the UDP 500 - Port ("Block private networks" ist DISABLED)

Why I canĀ“t connect via VPN?
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