As I am not sure if it is a problem of the latest release of IPSECURITAS software, I would like to share with you this issue.
I can set up the ipsec tunnel between local and remote networks without problems, but if I try to use the "remote network: anywhere" option that comes with IPSECURITAS to route all my traffic through the tunnel, it does nothing, it is like if I had no more connectivity on my Mac laptop.
I would like to know if anybody has tried it out the same option with pfSense, if it works with pfSense then I believe there is a problem with Monowall (racoon version, kernel version, some kind of routing/ipfilter problem....I don't really know).
Any help regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated. I have search the net and I have only found this link:
http://www.lobotomo.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=163PS: if IPSECURITAS has such a bug, why has not been yet fixed ? I can't believe IPSECURITAS is the culprit here...
Thanks for any input regarding this.