Hello All,
I have a Logic Supply machine with Monowall (Version 1.32) installed, and I currently hit a road block.
My setup:
LAN ->
WAN -> Have DSL internet available to me through Bell
OPT1 -> Have Cisco Aironet 1200 AP hooked via crossover cable (
OPT2 -> Have Cisco Aironet 1200 AP hooked via straight cable (
The main issue I am having, is I am unable to ping access points nor communicate with them. The Cisco AP's are setup under the same subnet (, and have the monowall LAN address as the default gateway.
When I connect these AP's through a Linksys router I am able to ping and communicate with both. I am confused on the issue, and have a feeling its a setting in the Monowall I am missing.
I am trying to accomplish controlled wireless access using captive portal w/ OPT1 and OPT2.
Any help would be greatly appreciated