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Topic: m0n0wall newbie ;) - Traffic Shaping for VOIP additionally to a set of rules  (Read 2016 times)
« on: February 22, 2011, 10:19:02 »
saphear *
Posts: 1

Hello everyone,
I'm completely new to m0n0wall...I tried some searching, but didn't find the answers I'm looking for, perhabs because I'm looking in the wrong direction..

Here is the situation: I'm playing around / testing a m0n0wall primarily for traffic shaping. I have several LAN clients who get a certain amount of bandwidth per se. It's defined for "single host / IP". Now I want within these rules other rules, because every IP can cause different kind of traffic. Within that traffic VOIP should be prioritized...

SOURCE *    DEST has a pipe with 1000kbit bandwidth.

Within that pipe VOIP traffic should always have 50kbit bandwidth.

Sorry for my bad english, I hope I could make myself clear... Smiley

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