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Topic: IPsec ShreSoft -> Fritzbox -> Monowall  (Read 6935 times)
« on: February 22, 2011, 13:50:07 »
mr.sarge *
Posts: 13


I'm trying to make a IPSec VPN from ShrewSoft VPN client to Monowall 1.32 behind Fritzbox 7270.
The VPN tunnel will be established, but no traffic passes (for example ping to Monowall).

So I enabled NAT-T in Monowall and I was able to ping Monowall's ip address (not the routers address).
The problem I have now is that i cannot open Monowall's webinterface. When I type the ip address in the browser i can insert the login credentials but then it doesn't go forward.
Bevor I used a Linksys router (with IPsec VPN passthrough enabled) without any problems.

LAN= / 24
Monwall 1.32 WAN = /24
router Fritzbox 7270 LAN = /24
router portforwarding to Monowall: port 500 udp, 4500 udp, ESP

VPN tunnel: ShrewSoft IPSec -> Fritzbox (DynDNS) -> Monowall -> LAN

Any ideas what can be the problem?

best regards,


I can successfully ping a client in the LAN network and make a RDP connection. So it seems that it must be a problem (routing/nat) in the subnet that I can't connect with http to the Monowall or ADSL-router.
I also tried a PPTP connection, that works perfekt (I can also make a connection to the router and monowall)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 14:46:48 by mr.sarge »
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 20:56:09 »
Luis de Escuderos *
Posts: 20

Is the webinterface under https ?  A special port to access webGUI?
See System/General Setup.

Then check rules:
Firewall / Rules / Wan
Must be a rule like this:
Action: pass   interface: Wan    Proto: TCP
Source type: any    source-port-rages: any
Destination: single-host: wan eth of monowall (can be public IP)
Destination port:  4321 (if the webGUI wan access is for example)

If remote lan and local lan are of different familiy the NAT 1:1 is innecesary.

« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2011, 09:50:15 »
mr.sarge *
Posts: 13


yes, the webinterface is under https. Tried your suggestion but no success.
I also cannot connect to the routers address (, only to a a pc in the lan network (192.168.1.x)

best regards,

« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 09:36:01 »
notladstyle **
Posts: 53

If im understanding correctly, your router is outside monowall's subnet. in order to access it you must route traffic intended for the 192.168.2/24 subnet through the tunnel. in order to receive a response your ipsec address must lie within the 192.168.1/24 subnet or the fritzbox will not reply through monowall to you.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 09:38:07 by notladstyle »
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2011, 11:05:22 »
mr.sarge *
Posts: 13

Hi notladstyle,

Yes, you're right.
Fort testing with Shrew Soft VPN client I set the option "Use a virtual adapter and assigned address" with an ip address in the subnet instead of "Use an existing adapter and current address".
Now I have access to Monowalls webinterface and Fritz!Box but NOT anymore to a pc in the internal network!?
Something must be configured still wrong...

best regards,

« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2011, 17:37:06 »
Luis de Escuderos *
Posts: 20

Dont forget, if access is from inside or outside the Vpn, then appoint to the respective lan or wan address.
In your schema, draw a network schema (jpg or Pdf) and show us.
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2011, 23:19:57 »
notladstyle **
Posts: 53

I fear that because your address lies within the subnet for the local computers so they are not using the monowall to route (they are just broadcasting) their responses.
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