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Topic: specifying intermediate SSL certificates for captive portal?  (Read 4564 times)
« on: February 25, 2011, 14:40:23 »
RadioactiveCats *
Posts: 1

We have a Digicert wildcard certificate for our domain which we want to use with the captive portal.  This requires two intermediate certificates to avoid an SSL warning on login.  I've tried multiple ways to put the three certificates in the portal configuration page with no success.  I've generated PEM files for each, and pasted them with the BEGIN/END lines, without those lines, and with the "bag" headers from OpenSSL output, and nothing works.  Unless I use just the SSL certificate itself, SSL login doesn't work.  With only one certificate, SSL works but all browsers show a warning.

I've tried 1.32 and 1.33b2 and get the same behavior.  Has anyone gotten this to work?  If so, how?  Thanks in advance.
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 15:12:13 »
Cruzer *
Posts: 1

I had the same issue using a PositiveSSL certificate I got from Comodo. From Comodo, the chain goes like:

Root -> Intermediate#1 -> Intermediate#2 -> SSL Certificate

I tried various things and finally got it working. First, I pasted in the SSL certificate. This allowed SSL, but the browser gave a warning. I then pasted Intermediate#2 right below the SSL certificate. I tried it again and it worked! I thought I may have to put in intermediate#1, but that wasn't necessary. I don't know if the order matters, but I put them in reverse order and as I said, I got it to work.

« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2012, 14:11:47 »
boospy *
Posts: 3

Same problem here with startssl.
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