Since Swisscom has rolled out a trial of IPv6 using 6RD, I wanted to give it a go only to discover that m0n0wall doesn't support 6RD. Apparently (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_rapid_deployment), 6RD is now widely used and may be the way ISP provide IPv6 in the future as a pseudo-native way.
Is there any plan to add support of 6RD to m0n0wall? I hear that this may be a problem with FreeBSD itself, yet patches (
http://groups.google.com/group/mailing.freebsd.net/browse_thread/thread/604767feb681608a?pli=1) are being made and merged into FreeBSD 8.
I think this would be a great addition for m0n0wall.
-- L. R.