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Topic: shaping wan, traffic from lan and opt1  (Read 2028 times)
« on: June 24, 2011, 18:47:22 »
bparsecm *
Posts: 1

Can someone tell me why this doesn't work?

I have a traffic shaping configuration which I setup just like Michael Graves' voip shaping video
Two voip pipes, two other traffic pipes, etc.

The difference is that my voip traffic is on the opt1 interface.  So when I try to direct my voip traffic into the dedicated pipes I just choose the opt1 subnet for source or destination respectively.  I want the voip traffic from OPT1 in pipes 3 and 4.

Aside from not working, I'm noticing that traffic isn't getting put in the pipes from ipfw show on the status.php page.

Thanks for any guidance.

<WAN*OPT1 net*Dedicated VOIP Outbound
>WAN**OPT1 newDedicated VOIP Inbound

11662 Kbit/sm_Total Upload
21887 Kbit/sm_Total Download
3768 Kbit/sDedicated VOIP Outbound
4768 Kbit/sDedicated VOIP Inbound

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