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Topic: FTP PORT command's conversion of LAN-IP to WAN-IP  (Read 2176 times)
« on: June 28, 2011, 13:44:55 »
quabanga *
Posts: 2

FTP PORT command's conversion of LAN-IP  to WAN-IP doesn't work at all at v1.33 , and have some problems with v1.3b7 (with 1.3b7 I had some directory tree, that when trying to copy it, then the firewall stopped swapping PORT commands' LAN-IP to the WAP-IP. The file names or directory names in that pwd contained some symbols "()-" maybe it is related)


ftp client on LAN send "PORT 10,0,0,8,19,161" to server on WAN through the firewall,
the firewall should swap that to "PORT 100,100,100,100,19,161"
but it doesn't and the server then get  "PORT 10,0,0,8,19,161" which is an internal LAN-IP, which there is no route to.

It used to work.
Please advice.

PS. Maybe it is related to "ipnat FTP proxy", I think that is the module that is supposed to swap the IPs, and now doesn't. Maybe it was removed from v1.33 by mistake?
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