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Topic: network topology - question  (Read 3143 times)
« on: July 01, 2011, 10:52:15 »

HI everybody,

I now did manage to "install" monowall via the pre-configured vdx-files for the vmware player - working fine!
But somehow, I do not get it configured. here is what I want to realize (corresponding to attached chart):
- two wireless-networks
-- first: as normal, direct access to internet-router
-- second: via monowall, captive portal (logging + authentication)

So, I did set up the monowall, connected the ROUTER2 (for the second wi-fi) to the second network-card in PC1. Both monowall and the router are in the same network (x.x.1.0). I can join the WI-FI2 and also the webgui from monowall, but not the internet btw. the captiva portal entrance-page.

Do I have to define a static route? I tried x.x.2.1, so that the routing goes directly to ROUTER1 (internet-router), but it is not working.

By the way - is it possible to realize this? :-)

best regards and thanks for your help!

* monowall-architecture.png (66.71 KB, 834x497 - viewed 306 times.)
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 17:35:01 »

actually I think I know how to get there.. ROUTER2 now has a static route, destination: ROUTER1 and gateway: monowall. Actually the monowall should be the interface between the two subnets, or??
It is both possible to ping ROUTER1 and ROUTER2 from monowall and PC1. (as it should be)
But when accessing Wi-Fi2 via ROUTER2 I can't reach ROUTER1 (or the internet). seems that there is anything not correct with routing??any ideas?

:going insane: :-)
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2011, 20:09:36 »
iridris ***
Posts: 145

I'm not sure I fully understand your issue, but one thing you may want to check is that the option "Block Private Networks" is NOT checked on the WAN setup page.
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