More and More people are using vpn services for extra security from the government/ fusion centers non warranted spying on every americans internet habbits and for protection against lawsuits should they accidently download a copyrighted movie or music and for people over sea's trying to watch hulu or youtube, netflix and so on and people in china saudi arabia and many many others countries that are censored from the internet that need to use vpn to access the majority of the internet. Can m0n0wall please support these vpn protocols as client on the Wan interface. For people that use these services. L2TP would be preferable or SSTP since they are less likely to be blocked and speed capped by ISP's. I am currently using the m0n0wall mod for the pptp part but would like to see L2TP or SSTP. I get over 30Mbs download speed while connected through my VPN service provider. No other firewall software supports this natively. I know a lot of people say just use Open Vpn well. I can tell you open vpn sucks. You can not get much more than 10Mbs down even with encryption off it is limited by its virtual device that is stuck at 10Mbs link speed. Can anyone here with open vpn go to and get 36Mbs down speed. Well I can with pptp, l2tp and sstp but not open vpn it sucks. See here if you don't believe me.