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Topic: My grabby brother is dispatching whole bandwith!!! HELP  (Read 3796 times)
« on: May 21, 2007, 07:09:14 »
IQKiller *
Posts: 1


First i want to compliment Manuel Kasper for his great work on the wall.
Right time, right product.

Big brother is living by my parents. They all share a dsl 2mbit connection t-online.
m0n0wall is well configured so far. For Config of Traffic shaper i used the automatic function
(magic shaper i think it is called). i modified so far that i regulated the priority.
but i doesnt work proberly.

My problem itsself is that my brother is always using eMule, and bittorrent downloads.
He dont understand to regulate the upload and download. The network is always dead when his pc is turned on.Then my father summons me with the words> "the internet is broken again!bla.. always the same..."
So with the magic shaper there comes a whole bundle of entries i dont need (i think Wink).
i have to agree that i dont understand the princip of the shaper yet,
so who can give me a few tipps into the right direction.

What i want>
When somebody, esspecially my dad, is browsing the interne, using port 80,
all other internet communication shall reduced to a absolute minimum.
is this possible, or can you channel the bandwith only basicly?
that should be easy or not?

is it possible to channel the bandwith ip based. hmm questions over questions...
what i think to know>
i th
ink i need pipes to channel the bandwith. but how much and how to separate
what is the best solution for this case?
i hope somebody can help.

Thank you so far for reading my bad english.

No ideas?

« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 18:52:01 by IQKiller »
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 21:36:51 »
wideLoad *
Posts: 7

See what ports he's using for his p2p programs.

Use magic shaper .... then take a look at the rules it generates.  Make sure there is a rule that catches your brothers p2p ports.  If there isn't,  make one, and assign it to the "hated" upload and "hated" download.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 01:50:53 »
Dr-D *
Posts: 14

We will need to know 3 things:

Your Internet max download speed - I will use 10000kb/s
Your Internet max upload speed - I will use 2000kb/s
your brother's computer IP adress - I will use


Now make this Pipes:

No.  Bandwidth  Delay  PLR  Queue  Mask  Description 
1 1900 Kbit/s         m_Total Upload   
2 9500 Kbit/s         m_Total Download 

Allways set lower(95%) then your real limits or the shaper will couse problems

Now make those Queues:

No.  Pipe  Weight  Mask  Description 
1 m_Total Upload 1   Bro_Up
2 m_Total Upload 99   All_Up
3 m_Total Download 1   Bro_Down
4 m_Total Download 99   All_Down 

Now make those Rules:

If  Proto  Source  Destination  Target  Description
WAN * * Bro_Up
WAN * * Bro_Down
WAN * * * All_Up
WAN * * * All_Down 

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