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Topic: Sixxs Issue-Not working on new hardware [FIXED]  (Read 1790 times)
« on: October 05, 2011, 18:23:21 »
iridris ***
Posts: 145

I've been using old Dell desktops to run m0n0wall (mainly because they're free). I recently switched my primary m0n0wall box from a Dell Dimension 8200 to a 2400 (smaller size). I also moved the two NICs I was using. The config is still the same, the version (1.33) is still the same, but AICCU is not working on the new box. On the Interfaces page, this message is listed: "AICCU down ? check logs. gif0 not found". The only other major change I've made is the install method. The old Dell used the CD with a flash drive for the config, and the new Dell runs everything from the flash drive.

Via exec.php, I've checked /var/log/system.log but didn't see anything. What else can I check to diagnose this issue?

My aiccu.conf:
$ cat /var/etc/aiccu.conf
username ***
password ***
tunnel_id T*****
ipv6_interface gif0
daemonize true
automatic true
requiretls false
pidfile /var/run/
defaultroute true
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 20:03:57 by iridris »
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 18:36:36 »
iridris ***
Posts: 145

Also, running the command below does not give any output. On a different working box, it gives me a successful test response including some pings.

$ sixxs-aiccu test /var/etc/aiccu.conf
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2011, 20:03:17 »
iridris ***
Posts: 145

Fixed! The clock in m0n0wall was several hours behind which seemed to be causing the problems. I manually set the time and it instantly connected to Sixxs. Now I just need to troubleshoot NTP...
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2011, 20:21:39 »
Fred Grayson *****
Posts: 994

Now I just need to troubleshoot NTP...

Might be a difference between the hardware clock and the system clock.

Some things demand that the hardware clock be running in Universal Time and the system clock can be corrected to local time via TZ configuration for the convenience of the user.

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