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Question: DNS Problem?
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Topic: Captive Portal (https) and IE-Proxy settings  (Read 2095 times)
« on: October 23, 2011, 16:52:41 »
Paule *
Posts: 2


i´ve got a little problem with my monowall installation.


In our LAN monowall is working fine as a router and the connected clients can use the internet. The browser has to be configured with the proxy-settings and the port and everything is ok.

Now i enlarged the net and i  added WLAN. Im running DCHP and the clients are in another net and they are only allowded to surf in the internet. The Internet Explorer is configured like said before. I´m running the Captive Portal and it´s working well.

when i´m adding the https option in the captive portal there is the following problem, that i only can reach the portal-site, when the Proxy-Setting in the browser is disabled. But after diabling, i just can surf in the internet, after the Proxy-Setting is set again and active. What is the problem here?

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