Not sure if this belongs here or Installation, though technically I have already got m0n0 onto the disc so I'll try here...
I recently got a TQ-Mini from e-Way Co and I was planning on running m0n0wall on it. It boots from an SD card and so far that much works, however on boot I get spammed with Interrupt storms from various IRQs, after some searching some people on the Internet had apparently got around this by setting those irq numbers to reserved in the bios.
I tried that, but disabling one just got me spammed with an interrupt storm on a different irq...
To avoid this I'd pretty much have to set everything to reserved, which I'm sure would only impact something else (I have no clue what IRQ is / how it works.) Regardless I tried it, but with IRQ3 reserved the BIOS no longer detects or boots from the SD card.
Not sure what to do, just wondering if anyone else has any e-Way Co computers and has gotten m0n0wall to run on them.
If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them
I tried pfSense and it booted fine, it mentioned a stray irq 7 (or something similar) twice but that was it - though it didn't see my internal NIC, which is an r6040 10/100 ethernet device. I found something from someone who had a similar system (the TQ Mini is a Vortex86MX SoC) which says that the r6040 driver should be available with freebsd. (
I'm assuming that if pfSense didn't have the driver then nor will m0n0wall, how would I go about compiling or otherwise acquiring the r6040 driver for m0n0wall (if it is possible)?
though i still have no clue on the interrupt storms...
[another edit]
m0n0's most recent snapshot also boots nicely, but similarly to pfSense does not see my internal nic
[a further edit]
So I made an attempt at fixing this myself...
I took the stable FreeBSD 8 source and compiled the kernel and modules (making sure the vte module was included) and replaced the kernel on the m0n0wall beta (most recent.)
It booted fine, no issue with that - but my r6040 ethernet device was still unseen. I guess I failed.