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Topic: vigor 2710 to m0n0wall IPSEC VPN  (Read 4796 times)
« on: December 03, 2011, 22:07:59 »
tekpoint *
Posts: 2

Has anyone successfully configured a Draytek Vigor 2710 to connect to a m0n0wall via IPSEC?

I've been adjusting settings both sides all evening and getting no where.

I can PPTP from a single PC, but can not create a PPTP lan to lan connection which allows traffic through so have moved onto IPSEC with no luck.

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!   Smiley
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 21:40:18 »
tekpoint *
Posts: 2

After much loss of hair I tracked down my issue to be with the pre-shared key, I had used a PSK generator and assumed it would be ok, but finally when I tried a simple one to test it all sprang into life.

I've documented the settings needed incase anyone else has issues getting the Vigor 2710 IPSEC Lan-to-Lan setup to talk to a m0n0wall:
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