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Topic: Routing traffic across the VPN  (Read 2075 times)
« on: December 20, 2011, 19:24:34 »
aqualityplace *
Posts: 10

I have a problem with routing and I amnot sure if this is possible.

We have 2 dedicated monowall appliances for our VPN tunnel -

On the network we have another firewall which routes traffic to our DMZ network 172.17.101/0/24

I think I have set up the correct static routes to work. Devices on the DMZ network can ping the device, but they cant ping the monowall appliance on the other network

If I do a trace route on a machine in the DMZ network for an iP on the network its last hop is so its going in the right direction. I added allwoed firewall rules on both monowall appliances as I was seeing dropped packets. I no longer see any dropped backets but I still cant ping between the and networks

Any ideas?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2012, 03:00:27 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

You have to make sure the networks you need to traverse the VPN appropriately match your local and remote subnets for IPsec. You may need a second IPsec connection if you can't CIDR-summarize the involved subnets (e.g. two /24s into a /23, or similar).
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