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Topic: Virtualizing m0n0wall with log backup  (Read 2003 times)
« on: February 02, 2012, 09:10:34 »
alpha007 *
Posts: 9

Hey guys,

sorry for my bad English, but I have e very important problem:

My m0n0wall is booting from usb-stick and all things work fine. But i can't save the logs. And the logs are very important for my company. Because they need to see who is surfing with witch Voucher on witch internet site. That's very important for the law.

The first possibility is to run a syslog server. But i wont run a second seystem day and night only for the logs. Thats too expansive.

So here is my idea:
I run e computer with windows XP/7 and virtualiz m0n0wall. On Windows i run e syslog server. M0n0wall from the virtual machine should send the logs to the syslog server on windows. So i have all things in on device.
Is that possible? Or do you have an other idea?

Thanks a lot!
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 15:02:18 by alpha007 »
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2012, 19:38:23 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

"But i wont run a second seystem day and night only for the logs. Thats too expansive."

Define "system" first...  I have several leftover firewalls I built from Wyse WinTerms.  They all use 12v 1 amp power supplies.  You could make one a syslog server.  Better yet, make one an Asterisk phone server, and just stick syslog on that.  Or stick syslog on a windows box.

So, consider if you firewall is on power optimized hardware, and then think about where you can stick the syslog.
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