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Topic: need hlep fresh image of m0n0wall show's àûqôãÿùãúûðøûÙÃ_xù|ãõpóìáýûñûðóñùðààýóõ  (Read 1701 times)
« on: February 22, 2012, 01:32:42 »
xtdanno *
Posts: 2

i've had some issues with my firebox  right now my console is displaying


firebox x1000 512 mb ram 256 mb CF card. 1.2 ghz processor.
i did have pfsense on this box and it did work .

curently my putty session is saved at
com2/9600/8/1/n/n and keyboard is ESC|n~

now if' i have the wrong settings i need to know i'm new to m0n0wall and need some help please
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 02:03:05 by xtdanno »
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2012, 03:21:49 »
gus *
Posts: 27

I remember having this issue on a Firebox a while back..  I think I switched from the serial version to the generic pc and it worked fine or it was the other way around..  If this doesn't work, post what version you are using and I'll see if I can re create it.
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2013, 20:48:37 »
g0dsp33d *
Posts: 3

Try changing your settings to 115200/8/n/1. That fixed the problem for me. The instructions I've seen as 9600 or 19200 didn't work.
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