Ok, so I lied, and I'm an as**ole, lol.
Shortly after making that post I switched to pfSense out of a need for OpenVPN support on my edge device.
I am still taking this opportunity to make good on at least some of my word.....
What I'm not including (due to lack of time), you can very easily create.... Building your own updated ISO using the generic pc image, and from what I understand you should be able to port these changes to an embedded image with a good amount of ease as well.
Below you can find:- A diff patch of 1.34 generic pc in workon.sh style directory structure, simply modify the file paths according to your environment and apply
dnsmasq-cache-size.patchhttps://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4C2DtuUD3hDRXhLZm1ZeVpzd0k/edit?usp=sharing- A repacked image file with these changes for generic pc 1.34 ready to go