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Topic: monowall crashes in virtualbox  (Read 2389 times)
« on: May 27, 2012, 16:13:09 »
tomberlin55 *
Posts: 4

i am running monowall in the current version of virtualbox on a windows xp toughbook for a couple of years now.
now i encounter a strange problem:

when I add a user in the captive portal, the virtualbox crashes with guru waiting. after that the config.xml ist currupt and can't be started. i have to use a backup harddrive image and it works again.

when i delete a user, i can add a new one, but with the next add it chrashes again.

when i try the same hardrive image on the same virtualbox on another machine under windows 7 it works.

I have around 30 users in the captive portal.

I have 2 simular toughbook xp machines and the effect is on both systems.

So I can narrow the problem to the OS: with 7 it works with xp it crashes.

any ideas?

I have alot of new users who want to use my system, but can't get them in, so it's a desperate situation...
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