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Topic: [SOLVED] SNMP in 1.8.0b510 Becomes Unresponsive  (Read 3798 times)
« on: June 09, 2012, 16:44:55 »
Fred Grayson *****
Posts: 994

From time to time the SNMP Agent in 1.8.0b510 fails to respond to my IOG monitor (

I can restore it to functional by visiting the Services: SNMP page and pressing the save button.

Is there an available command I can use with the new Scheduler that restarts the SNMP Agent? If so I could have it restart every so often whether it needs it or not.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 15:20:18 by Fred Grayson »

Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle.
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2012, 15:19:45 »
Fred Grayson *****
Posts: 994

I was able to "solve" this by running the following command in the Scheduler every 60 minutes:

/usr/local/sbin/snmpd -c /var/etc/snmpd.conf -P /var/run/

Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2013, 17:41:25 »
Fred Grayson *****
Posts: 994

Just an update. The initial problem and solution was on my obsolete GB-1000 hardware.

I have just recently "upgraded" to an ALIX 2C3, (obsoleted by the 2D3 and 2D13), and I disabled the scheduled command to see if the problem would come back.

Well, it did. It took about 20 hours for the SNMP Agent to die. I have now re-enabled the scheduled command and don't expect the problem to recur.

Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle.
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2013, 19:51:47 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

Running 1.8.1b540 with SNMP and no troubles here.  Uptime of up to 30 days, and monitoring with cacti, and no issues noted.

Might be fun to nose around the exec.php when it crashes to see what is happening.
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2013, 01:01:11 »
Fred Grayson *****
Posts: 994

I used ps -ax run from exec.php, but all that told me was that snmpd was not running. Nothing in the logs said why it stopped. I don't know where else to look.

Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle.
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