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Topic: Can only ping monowall on PPTP and IPSEC  (Read 4182 times)
« on: November 02, 2012, 11:12:25 »
teva *
Posts: 12

Hey all

I'm having problems with VPN connection. I have Soekris 4501 on one end and Linksys R042 on the other.
Soekris has IP, Linksys has

Routers are connected and can ping Soekris from PC behind Linksys, but can't ping any other machine behind Soekris.

Local subnet is set to Network (
Remote subnet to
Remote gateway is Public IP of linksys
DPD = empty

Phase 1
Negotiation mode = main
My identifier = My IP address
Encryption = 3DES
Hash = MD5
DH key = 2
Authentication = pre-shared key

Phase 2
Protocol = ESP
Encryption = 3DES
Hash = MD5
PFS key = 1

Both devices have same phase 1 and 2 settings

Server address = (empty IP on subnet)
Remote address range = / 28

When i connet from win7 machine i get
IP =
Netmask =
Gateway =

Again, i can ping Soekris and no one else.

FW rule is set on PPTP and IPSEC to * * * * *

Any idea, what the problem could be?

« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2012, 01:13:38 »
chris.lee *
Posts: 7

Any chance that this could be due to firewall setting from Linksys RV042 side?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 09:44:06 »
teva *
Posts: 12

Will try editing FW on R042, tnx.

But why do i have the same problem with PPTP. When i dial-in to VPN from Winbox i get same problem. I can ping only M0n0wall.

I'm also confused with the way M0n0wall DHCP works for PPTP

This is what i get on winxp machine
PPP adapter xxx:
        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

On win7 machine i get the same results, only Gateway is

I this correct behavior? It is not correct Gateway the IP of m0n0wall, in my case
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 17:10:56 »
chris.lee *
Posts: 7

Hmmm.... sound like a common problem with possible solution  >>
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2012, 09:01:46 »
teva *
Posts: 12

Tnx...tried that already, no luck

I did found this blocked many time in fw log. This is the IP i'm getting when connected to PPTP

 6   08:33:07.049165   PPTP   IGMP

« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2013, 14:48:31 »
teva *
Posts: 12

I manage to fix this somehow, so now it works. But i have some more problems. I can ping from Linksys side to Soekris with no problem, but from Soekris to Linksys i can't.

I just installed IP cameras on Linksys side and i have some more IP cameras on Soekris side. Locally they all work, but if i want to check cameras on Linksys subnet from Soekris subnet i cant. I can ping them just fine, but when i try to connect over browser, page just doesnt load. But if im on Linkys side i can access cameras from Soekris.

I tried disabling FW on Linksys, but nothing changed. I also have modem between soekris and linksys, which gives internet to Linksys. Modem is on subnet 1.x and Linksys is on 2.x.

So, traffic from soekris to linksys works, but it doesnt work from linksys to soekris. Ping works only to machines behind linksys, but i cant directly ping linksys router over VPN.

What am i missing here?

« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2013, 03:26:04 »
Posts: 7

I have the same problem, I can only ping from remote network to local network. The default IPsec VPN rule does not work, according to the log, everything from LAN to remote network over VPN is blocked.

The same settings with pfSense works.

m0nowall Version: 1.8.1b546
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2013, 10:13:38 »
Posts: 7

I have the same problem, I can only ping from remote network to local network. The default IPsec VPN rule does not work, according to the log, everything from LAN to remote network over VPN is blocked.

The same settings with pfSense works.

m0nowall Version: 1.8.1b546

I used a secondary LAN IP address, it works from the primary IP address.
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