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Topic: Modifing webgui  (Read 3192 times)
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:57:33 »
planejanez *
Posts: 2

I pretty much read everything on this forum regarding changing the webgui. The only solution that was given was to use the workon script to modify the image. Has anyone successfully used xampp or xampp alternative to modify the webgui? I wasn't able to successfully use xampp to visually see the webgui. Was getting numerous errors messages. I think it would be difficult to make changes to the webgui without being able to see it in action immediately afterwards.
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 19:22:40 »
Lennart Grahl ***
Posts: 153

Using xampp to modify the webgui will not work for the following reasons:
1) M0n0wall uses a pretty old version of PHP
2) M0n0wall's core is deeply integrated into many PHP files that are also required for the webgui, you'd have to simulate their behaviour

However, there is a solution for this. Just upload the changed PHP files onto m0n0wall and execute the following script:
chmod a+rx /tmp/*; mv /tmp/*.php .
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 20:41:16 »
planejanez *
Posts: 2

That works great. Thank you.
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