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Topic: Control dhcp client lease time on WAN port  (Read 1800 times)
« on: November 15, 2012, 09:59:18 »
Spikey *
Posts: 1

Dear m0n0wall fans
I have got my m0n0wall firewall connected to a ADSL Router modem (in bridge mode). And the WAN ist set to dhcp. What happens now is that it requests new IP with a frequency of about 3600 secs. Usually once every 12 or 24 hours would be enough. How can I change this?
Nov 15 08:18:59 dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 3208 seconds.
Nov 15 08:18:59 dhclient: New Routers:
Nov 15 08:18:59 dhclient: New Broadcast Address (vr2):
Nov 15 08:18:59 dhclient: New Subnet Mask (vr2):
Nov 15 08:18:59 dhclient: New IP Address (vr2):
(changed the ips here in the log)

I want to change it because I think it could be the cause for an inernet connection loss of my network, that can only be solved by restarting the firewall at the moment.

thanks a lot.

« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 20:18:03 »
Lee Sharp *****
Posts: 517

You don't.  The DHCP server sets the lease time, and you have to live with it.

I was having this issue with ATT and I had to call and complain to them. (Because when you IP chanes, VPNs and video streams break)  They said there was not problem, but after that, it changed a LOT less frequently. Smiley
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