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Topic: Sixxs Aiccu tunnel random down with message No route to host (65)  (Read 1627 times)
« on: December 09, 2012, 15:18:27 »
Onedutch *
Posts: 3


Monowall is only used as end-point for a sixxs aiccu tunnel to my private subnet hosts. I have a dd-wrt router (tried several times to use dd-wrt as IPv6 tunnel end-point with no luck) for my IPv4 natted network. DD-WRT has the public IPv4 WAN address.

I connected Monowall WAN and LAN nic's just to the same router (DHCP server disabled on the monowall). So both have a private IP address like 192.168.5.xx . I configured sixxs tunnel like It works like a charm, monowall also advertises it's IPv6 router function. All IPv6 capable devices on my private network receive IPv6 functionality (Android and windows 8 / Windows 7) and work simultaneous.

After several minutes or hours, IPv6 stops on these hosts. A message appears in the Diagnostics > Logs > DHCP "sixxs-aiccu: [AYIYA-tundev->tun] : Error (-1) while sending 116 bytes to network: No route to host (65)"

When I go to Diagnostics > Ping/Traceroute > ping a IPv6 host like it gives me a blank screen for about a second (looks like a re-initialize) and everything is back to normal. Sometimes I need to select LAN for the Ping command, sometimes I need to select WAN.

The hosts can use IPv6 again, I can recognize problems with IPv6 because using on my workstations are stalling (timeout to go back start using IPv4 google addresses).

Anyone an idea what could be the problem? On one of my workstations I have started mIRC to have a constant traffic on IPv6 enabled efnet IRC server. I though perhaps it is a timeout when no IPv6 traffic is detected. It doesn't matter, still suddenly without a clue the monowall is generating "sixxs-aiccu: [AYIYA-tundev->tun] : Error (-1) while sending 116 bytes to network: No route to host (65)" and IPv6 traffic stops until I ping a IPv6 host on the monowall itself.

Best Regards,

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 15:25:42 by Onedutch »
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